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River Plaza is a candidate for the LEED (The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification which is issued by the U.S. Green Building Council. LEED, which is internationally recognized, examines and evaluates the buildings under the titles of sustainable land, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, quality of life of the indoor places, innovation and local order of importance. The topics that have been considered under these headings are; the promotion of the public transport and the alternative transport systems, the water conservation and the implementation of a number of methods for the efficient use of the water, implementation of the design and the system selection in order to increase the energy efficiency, improving and controlling indoor air quality, preventing and removing the volatile substances and cigarette smoke which are harmful to human health and benefiting from the day light.

Environment friendly and investing in the future.

River Plaza has been designed in accordance with LEED Gold standards. Maximum utilization of daylight, optimization of water and energy consumption, superior heat and noise insulation, sustainable land use, use of recycled materials have been considered during design and construction. River Plaza offers great advantages to its occupiers in terms of reduced service charges and running costs by facilitating efficient use of resources.

Grey water, clean environment

  • Contributing to the environment by utilizing the technology, River Plaza considers you as well as the environment.
  • Significant decrease in drinking water consumption due to the grey water recycling.
  • River Plaza contributes to the development of environmental awareness by efficient use of resources and the implementation of the LEED green building criteria.